Commitment Compassion Courage
Prive Care LimitedPrive Care LimitedPrive Care Limited
0115 779 1397
Prive Care LimitedPrive Care LimitedPrive Care Limited

Welcome to Prive Care

Welcome to Prive Care, where we redefine the essence of health and social care recruitment in the UK. At the heart of our operations is a steadfast commitment to compassion, excellence, and innovation. As one of the leading providers in the sector, we pride ourselves on our ability to connect exceptional care professionals with meaningful opportunities in a variety of settings, including supported living, physical/learning disabilities, domiciliary care, nursing/residential homes, hospitals, and secure units.

Our mission is simple yet profound: to deliver superior care services through our dedicated and skilled workforce, ensuring that every individual we serve receives the highest standard of care possible.

Empowering Care, Enriching Lives

At Prive Care, every day is an opportunity to make a difference. Join us in transforming lives with every act of compassion. Exceptional care professionals, tailored support, and a commitment to excellence at every step

Contact Us

We're here to provide professional support tailored to your needs. Reach out now to start your journey with us.

    Core Values

    At the heart of all we do, compassion guides our interactions with clients, candidates, and the communities we serve, ensuring care is delivered with empathy and understanding.

    Our unwavering dedication to excellence drives us to provide the highest standard of healthcare staffing solutions, continuously striving to meet and exceed the expectations of those we serve.

    We courageously innovate and adapt in the face of challenges, embracing change to improve the quality of care and the well-being of vulnerable populations.

    We act with honesty and transparency, building trust through ethical practices and a commitment to doing what is right for our clients, candidates, and the sector.

    Our pursuit of excellence motivates us to continually improve our services, training, and support, ensuring we provide the best possible care professionals in the industry.

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    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)